Bingo Over Zoom

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Kate Middleton and Prince William took on the surprising role of guest Bingo callers in a cheerful game of bingo over Zoom with nursing home residents in Wales this week. Eventbrite - Glow Up Gang presents A Virtual Bingo/ Game Night (Zoom Party) - Friday, April 17, 2020 - Find event and ticket information. A Virtual Bingo/ Game Night (Zoom Party) Tickets, Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 7:00 PM Eventbrite. It lasted just over 60 minutes, you book the best time when you sign up and it is delivered via Zoom and Zoom breakout rooms. Book your spot here. Companies have been using this team building game for onboarding new members of staff when they can’t meet in person. Zoom Backgrounds. There is a wide range of virtual background you can find online and Tom has listed some of his favourite zoom backgrounds for virtual drinks here. My personal favourite with friends is the Tiger King background. At work for Friday drinks my favourite is the conference Bingo. Can you play bingo and listen to Zoom on the same device? Yes - on the devices we have tested. On most mobiles and tablets it's possible to have Zoom, WhatsApp, etc running in the background while the browser is open. So you can listen to the bingo calls and mark your card on the same device. We cannot guarantee this will work on all devices.

The work-at-home genie is out of the bottle, and we’re never going fully back to the office. So here’s a Conference Call Bingo game for you to weed out the new era bullshit.

Thanks to @inagfatt for this gem, and I’ll start by making a special rule.

If you hear the phrase shown bottom left, you win conference call bingo automatically.

Hey guys sorry I have to hop off, you guys keep talking” should be everyone’s career credo.

I need to focus on what really matters, and this recurring meeting probably isn’t it.

That’s how Zoom rose above the conference call bingo game.

Zoom was born out of WebEx, which was founded in 1995 and acquired by Cisco for $3.2 billion in 2007.

Early WebEx engineer Eric Yuan founded Zoom in 2011 with help from early investment and advice from WebEx founder Subrah Iyar. Here’s how it played out:

– Zoom went live January 2013.

– Had 1 million users by May 2013 and 10 million by June 2014.

– Zoom raised $161 million over 7 rounds

– Went public April 2019 at a $9.2 billion IPO valuation.

– Zoom’s valuation jumped to $35 billion when pandemic lockdowns began in March 2020

– Zoom is now worth $118 billion.

Not bad for 10 years’ work.

And no question Zoom saved us in this era.

Bingo Over Zoom

Zoom is genius really. It took something we all hate, and polished it up.

That’s the definition of tech disruption.

So we can rip Zoom all we want. And I’ll rip away for 2 reasons: (1) I hate conference calls almost as much as email, and (2) call culture worsens as micromanagers perfect Zoom meddling.

But conference call bullshit bingo and other jokes aside, Zoom is genius for 3 reasons:

1. Prove Remote Work Really Works:

Zoom made video calls and realtime back-and-forth screen sharing truly great. Zoom validates remote work by letting us prove we can be engaged even if we’re not sitting next to our teams. One silver lining of forced quarantines is proving once and for all that remote work really works.


2. Build Your Kid’s Youtube Dream:

My son wanted to start a Youtube channel last year, but only do it from an iPad and with screencast and audio. Until iOS upgraded screen record functionality, Zoom was the solution. And it still is because it’s easy and brought me a ton of joy supporting my son.

3. Bail On 1 Call Per Month:

Zoom is a giant success story about reinventing an utter commodity. They did this by stepping away from existing structure and looking at it fresh. And most jobs are a commodity. Unless you have the courage to step away periodically for a fresh look at reinventing yourself and your role.


So make it a habit to say that lower-left bingo card phrase on a call at least once a month, then bounce.

Too many daily routines are bullshit anyway, so use this tactic to focus on what matters to win your long game.



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With September in full effect, it means summer is winding down and it's time to get back to school, work, and the everyday hustle and bustle of things. But that doesn't mean we're exactly returning to normalcy. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, meetings and classes will still mostly likely be taking place via Zoom video calls. And even though we're going on six months of social distancing, Zoom calls can still feel pretty awkward at times, especially if you're in a big group with people you don't know that well. This is why you should stay equipped with Zoom ice breakers for big groups.

It can be intimidating to be the first person to speak in a big group, even if that group is meeting virtually. But if you keep a few ice breakers up your sleeve, it can make talking on your Zoom calls (and having a great discussion with other people in the call) a lot more easy. Plus, when everyone's talking comfortably and the conversation is flowing, they'll have you to thank. So the next time a Zoom call with a big group falls awkwardly silent, just try a few of these ice breakers to save the day.

1. Let's take a poll...

Find out favorite ice cream flavors, Netflix shows, or if people are Team Edward or Team Jacob.

2. How much longer do we think this will last?

Taking bets on when all of this will end can be a funny way of getting the conversation going.

3. Who's tired of these Zoom calls?

A little honesty never hurt anybody.

4. Who has pajamas on right now?

It can be fun to see who else has mastered the just-the-top put-together look.

5. Let's play Zoom I-Spy.

Play using only what you can see on your screen. Is it a clock? An interesting wallpaper pattern? Whatever it is, it'll get people talking.

6. Everyone get to know the person 'next to' them.

In Gallery View, Zoom places people's screens next to each other. Having everyone break off into groups of two to get to know each other better can create a better sense of familiarity in a big group.

7. Let's play social distancing Bingo.

Who else has gotten dressed up just to sit in their room? Bingo!

8. Let's go around and say one fun fact each.

This may seem like a dread in regular settings, but in video calls, this is a great way to get everyone to speak and feel more at ease.

9. What's everyone's Zodiac sign?

It's a good idea to point out the Geminis beforehand.

10. Show and tell.

Maybe someone has a stuffed animal they've had since they were five or an autographed first-edition of their favorite book. Either way, giving them a chance to show it off can help them feel more comfortable in a big group.

11. Let's play Name Tag.

This is a great and easy way to hear everyone speak and learn how to pronounce their names. To play Name Tag, all you have to do is 'tag' someone by saying their name (displayed at the bottom of their screen). This way, if you don't know how to say it correctly, the person can correct you for everyone to hear. Keep playing until everyone's name has been called.

12. Say something you're grateful for.

Christmas Bingo Over Zoom

Starting off a Zoom call on a positive note can really set the tone for the whole call. What better way to do this than getting everyone in a thankful mood?

13. What show are you binging?

I mean, how else is everyone getting through quarantine?

14. What did you want to grow up to be when you were younger?

Do have any astronaut princess doctors in the room?

How To Play Bingo Over Zoom

15. Is anyone here still baking?

This can give you a good idea of what phase of quarantine everyone is in.

16. Show of hands: Who thinks pigeons are real?

Whether you believe in this conspiracy theory or just need a good laugh, this is a great way to get some conversation flowing.

17. In your opinion, what's the weirdest trend to come out of quarantine?

Online Bingo Over Zoom

Extra points if you say pillow dresses.

18. Who here is actually enjoying quarantine?

Find out who the introverts in the Zoom call are.

19. Has anyone did any drastic makeovers since being in quarantine?

Bangs? Dyeing your hair blue? Shaving off your eyebrows?

Play Bingo On Zoom

20. What has been the wildest news of 2020?


Do you think it was the firenado? The UFO sighting? The murder hornets?

21. Does anyone have plans for 2021?

Games To Play Over Zoom

Spreading a little hope for the next year to come is probably the best thing you can do right now.